Pobby and Dingan is the title of the book that we are reading in English class, and they are also the names the imaginary friends of Kellyanne, the narrator’s younger sister. Being imaginary means that Kellyanne is the only person who could see them and talk to Pobby and Dingan. In Lightning Ridge. Kellyanne seems to be the only one believing Pobby and Dingan’s existence, people around her just pretend like they exist or some of them don’t even admit it. Kellyanne described how they look like when her dad lost her friends and Ashmol, her brother wanted to help. It says in the book that Kellyanne and Dingan won the opal princess competition in the third place, so we could tell that Dingan is a girl from this piece of information. She lately told Ashmol that “Dingan had a lovely opal in her bellybutton...And Pobby had a limp in his right leg”(Chapter 5). I would assume that Dingan was a very cute looking girl who wore a fancy gown that has an opal in the bellybutton because she was on the opal princess competition, and she might care about her appearance a lot because she was a girl. Pobby might be a little shy because he might lack a little confidence than other kids because he had a limp leg, but he would probably have a nice personality because he was with Kellyanne all the time, and Kellyanne was very affable. When Fat Walt came and claimed that he found Pobby and Dingan shooting each other, Kellyanne told him immediately that her friends are pacifists. I assume that they loved to play with Kellyanne peacefully and hated to fight or to have arguments with others. When Domingo came to Kellyanne’s room and claimed that he found them in the back castle eating chips and steak, Kellyanne said right after, “Pobby and Dingan only eat Cherry Ripes and Violet Crumbles and lollies.” These are all treats and desserts, which showed they were still little kids that were nuts about treats and sweet stuff. I was insane with desserts and treats when I was little too, and I’m still in love with them. Over all, Pobby and Dingan seemed to be two very lovely kids to me.
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