
In class Writing / blog 39

          We read the first two chapters of the book Pobby and Dingan later in this week. The names in the title of the book are two imaginary friends of the narrator's sister Kellyanne. I think they are not real, because first of all, they don't have a state to exist in the real world. When it was said in the book that "[Kellyanne] wasn’t concentrating in class and was always talking to herself and hugging the air", was she really hugging the air as her friends? Nope, because her friends were not the particles in the air but were pretended by her mind to be existing. Secondly, there was a opal princess competition held in their town, and the third place winners, Kellyanne and Dingan took a photograph together. The photo was then posted on a local newspaper, where it said "Two Opal Princesses—Kellyanne Williamson (aged eight) and her invisible friend Dingan, who won third prize in this year’s Opal Princess competition". On the photograph, as the narrator described, is Kellyanne holding the air (Dingan's shoulder) in her costume and crown. Dingan as an imaginary friend, is not a real figure according to the word "imaginary". She only lived in Kellyanne's imagination and nowhere else, and couldn't be touched or captured by a camera. Thirdly, the other imaginary friend Pobby, was driven away by dad for some exercises with Dingan together. Dad pretended to be fastening their seatbelts and pretended to be talking to them. If they are real, they would have a shape and dad did not have to pretend like he was doing something, because he would be actually doing it. Thus, these are the reason why I think Dingan and Pobby aren't real. 

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