
Working on one paragraph / blog 30

The novel Me And You shows about how an intense relationship can give a person hope and change his personality entirely; just like Lorenzo in the book, who changed from an introversive kid who doesn't care about anyone to a boy who has love, hope and determination after establishing a relationship with Olivia, his half sister. In Me And You, Lorenzo was a kid with some mental disorders. He did not care about anyone else instead of his parents and his grandma, and didn't know how to make friends. Even though he was very smart, he still couldn't handle his emotion especially his rage. He pretended to be a wasp that "had managed to trick them all, integrating perfectly with the waspian society"(Ammatini, 37) in his school in order to make his mother satisfy but not for himself. After he met Olivia, his half sister and spent the whole week with her in the basement, a huge change had occurred on him. It says in the book that after he saw Olivia feeling very suffering, he "hugged her and leaned [his] forehead against her neck, [his] nose on her collarbone, and [he] burst into tears"(Ammatini, 110). This is the first time of him thinking and caring about someone who is not his parents or grandma. He started caring for others that are not related to him, and he wanted to help others. On the last day of the ski week when they spent in the basement, Lorenzo had promised his sister that they would keep in touch and see each other again in the future. He said that this is the first time he had ever felt alive in his entire life, and I think it is because Olivia's arrival had given him hope to make friends and improve himself in different ways.

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