
Self-Assessment of Your Project / blog 17

I wrote a diary for Sookan, who is the protagonist of "Gathering of Pearls"; this book talks about what she had experienced in the first year of studying aboard in America. The reason why I didn't make another character up is that I want the readers of my diary to know better about how Sookan's daily life is, and how she feels about everything by psychological descriptions in my entries. Even though my diary sounds like a summary of the book and seems like lacking creativity before reading, it is actually different than the original book by adding a lot of new ideas, new events and many mental activities into it. I had included many descriptions of the five senses in a lot of my entries, which could bring some of the scenes in the diary to the readers' brains, and have them imagine what had happened and how things are all set up; some senses are really hard to describe and add into my entries such as tasting and smelling because Sookan is not always eating or cooking, but for other senses, I put in a lot of detailed descriptions in my entries to better express the feelings and the settings of the scenarios. In my entries, the most abundant descriptions are Sookan's narrations of what had happened, descriptions of the settings and the atmosphere, and reflections of what Sookan feels; there's a lot of entries describing her life and feelings about what had happened; about 30 percent of the entries is the description of Sookan's mental activity, and another 30 percent of it is the narration of what had happened. Even though my diary is almost reaching 4000 words, I revised it again and again with my friends and the writing center teachers; they helped me to correct many careless mistakes such as typos, and corrected my grammar carefully. I achieved the length limit of 1900 words, and wrote even more than what we were asked to have. Overall, I think I did a great job on achieving the requirements in class and practicing my writing skills for the future.

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