
Grammar / blog 15

Look up the definitions of comma splice, run-on sentence, sentence fragment, independent clause, and dependent clause. Post the definitions on your blog along with an example for each term.

Comma splice
Definition: Two independent clauses separated by a comma instead of a period or semicolon.
Example: I am starving, I have no food to eat.

Run-on sentece
Definition: A run-on sentence is a sentence that has two or more clauses which are improperly joined (usually without punctuations).
Example: I am starving but I have nothing to eat so I want to steal some from the dining hall.

Sentence fragment
Definition:a phrase or clause written as a sentence but lacking an element, as a subject or verb, that would enable it to function as an independent sentence in normative written English. 
Example: Went to the train station.

Independent clause
Definition: An independent clause is a group of words that contains a subject and verb and expresses a complete thought, which is a complete sentence.
Example: I am starving.

Dependent clause
Definition: a dependent clause (or a subordinate clause) is a clause that provides an independent clause with additional information, but which cannot stand alone as a sentence.
Example: and also went to the train station.

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