
Story about my break / blog 18

          Once upon a time, in a freezing winter, I went on a trip back to my hometown—Shanghai. The weather in Shanghai was as cold as the weather in New York; people on the street were all wearing heavy clothing for keeping their bodies warmer. My friends were all dismissed from school because of the Christmas break, so I could hangout with them as much as we want. It was only six days left to Christmas when I arrived in Shanghai.
          I called my best friend Joyce when I arrived home, and we hangout for the whole day. We went to a lot of places for food in the break, for example we went to the Korean street in Shanghai called Hongquan Road and had a Korean rice cake hot pot. The rice cake is made of sticky rice and mozzarella cheese stuffing in it. We also put a lot of meat and veggies such as pork, seaweed, Chinese cabbages, needle mushrooms and potatoes in it. After we finished all, the waitress told us that we could put a bag of ramen into it; the ramen with the special sauce and the soup tasted fantastic. Besides food, Joyce and I went to a hot spring on Christmas. It was a wonderful experience to chill in a boiling hot water with a friend when it was freezing outside. There were several different springs with different colors and functions; I remember the one that is made of a small portion of carbonic acid and mineral water, because after staying in it for a while, your body would be covered by tiny bubbles like the ones in coca cola.
          Unfortunately the break is short; I still had a lot of friends that hadn't met yet. Everyday in my break was enriched with fun; I woke up early everyday and felt energized. Although I missed my friends a lot, I have to leave Shanghai and go back to my school. I would miss the days in Shanghai where I had no work to do at night and free time. 

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