
How has Lorenzo changed by the end? / blog 22

At the end of the book, Lorenzo changed from a introvertive feelingless boy who did not know how to feel sympathy for others to a hopeful boy who looks foward to his future life and wants to make friends like the others under his sister Olivia's effects. Before he met his sister, Lorenzo could not feel any emotion at all; he did not want to go to school, and did not want to socialize with the others, which makes him a very lonely boy, but after Lorenzo met his sister, he felt sorry for not being able to lessen her pain and thought for others at the same time in his life. After he had a conversation with his sister on the last night they could spend in the basement, Lorenzo "...knew that beyond that door the world was waiting for me, and that I would be able to talk to the others like I was one of them. Decide to do things and then actually do them".(Ammatini,143) Olivia lightened up her hope, and meanwhile also lightened up lorenzo's hope, which is to make more friends and walk out of his circle that he had set for his parents and grandma. Thus, the fact of meeting his sister changed Lorenzo's personality by having him looking foward and having the goal to make friends.

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