
Poem Analysis of "Poem For My Twentieth Birthday" / blog 62

Lillian Xu
English II
Ms. Guarino
May 26th, 2016
Poem Analysis of “Poem for My Twentieth Birthday”
            Every year people experience a special milestone in their lives which is their birthday. This day marks their journeys of life and represents the growth and maturity they gain during the passing of time. The poem “Poem for My Twentieth Birthday” by Kenneth Koch, is written for his twentieth birthday, describing the thoughts and actions of him, and showing his transformation from a teenager to an adult. This is an important milestone that he must pass in his journey of life. In this poem he wrote about his feelings, emotions and reflection of the past from previous birthdays. The poem shows how the speaker forgot many of the people he met during his life as time went by, also about how he missed his childhood and how suddenly adulthood came upon him which came from his determination to become a man during his childhood.
            As a free verse poem, “Poem For My Twentieth Birthday” has no rhyme scheme or corresponding meters. Different types of figurative languages are frequently used in the poem to give the readers a deeper understanding of it. The poem has three stanzas in total: the first stanza of the poem was a little bit depressing and sad when the speaker was walking through the graveyard, the second stanza of the poem was describing how he thought of his childhood, how he would leave them behind and move forward, and the third stanza of the poem is about his dream of being a man in his future adulthood. The poem "Poem For My Twentieth Birthday" by Kenneth Koch describes the thoughts and actions of the speaker, which shows his transformation from a teenager to an adult on his twentieth birthday.
            In the first stanza, the speaker was “passing through the American graveyard”(Poem, Koch). At first, I was wondering why did he walked through a sad place like that, because people usually go to happy places and have parties with their friends on birthdays, but when I read it for more and more times, I realized that the speaker might be trying to cherish the memory of his childhood and bury his childish innocence. He observed many things that he had not noticed before, such as the tiny dandelions on the grass on the gravestone, which was described as “white on tropical green”(Poem, Koch) in the poem. This detail shows his carefulness after getting older both physically and mentally. He even imagined that the crosses on the gravestones were trying to talk to him as if they were “stuttering” like human, which infers that the speaker thought they were trying to tell him something but were not able to “talk” as they wanted. The speaker used personification here to make the readers feel the resonance with the dead old people. “The years quick focus of faces I do not remember”(Poem, Koch) signifies the long way the speaker had been through. This quote also tells how quickly the time went by in his life, just like the blink of an eye. He had met too many people, and walked by too many people in his life, so he could not remember everyone he had seen in the past.
             “The palm trees [were] stalking like deliberate giants”(Poem, Koch) in the start of the second stanza. Palms were sour when they were not ripe yet, but they became sweeter after they grew riper. This is a similar progress of human growth too. When kids were young, they were often naughty and not mature, and they were often hard to communicate with. After they grew older, they would usually became more understanding and tolerant, which easier for others to communicate with. The speaker of the poem used personification and simile to compare the palm trees to “deliberate giants” “stalking” him. It is showing the tree’s wisdom and matureness comparing to the speaker’s immaturity and youth. When the speaker was walking on the street, the palm trees made him felt like adults staring at him, which might be reminding him his childhood memories when he was young. His tears started to come up to the rim of his eyes while recalling, which made him “seen through a screen of water”(Poem, Koch). Even if the childhood memories are hard to leave behind, the speaker had still made up his mind to go forward.
            The author expressed his determination of what he wants to be in the future in the third stanza. Even if his adulthood had came quicker than what he expected (“thrust into the adult and actual”), he still expected himself to do more actual things (“expected to perform the action”), and not to think too much about anything other than the reality. There must have been an idol that he wanted to be while he was younger, so he was then determining to be the man in his childhood dream (“the man standing upright in the dream”). As what the speaker wrote in his poem, he wanted to be a realist rather than an idealist. It is a significant change from a teenager to an adult, because younger kids were usually thinking about unrealistic stuff and imagining for many things, while adults were always thinking about real life problems like jobs and money because they have different aspects of reading their lives. When the speaker was thinking about his future, he was pumped with hope and energy, determined to become a better person, which significantly shows his change made by his growth.

            We are all going to be twenty years old when we grow up. We are going to be forty, sixty, eighty, and possibly die after that. Our childhood memories could be fading, our childhood innocence might disappear, but our mindset will always stay with us. The poem “Poem For My Twentieth Birthday” demonstrates the speaker’s experience of growing up from a teenage boy to a young man who needs to take care of and be responsible for himself. Not only for the speaker of the poem, all of us are going to experience the growth in our lives, and walk pass the milestones one after another. We are going to have the different tastes of our lives, no matter if they are sweet or bitter.


Thesis for Poem Analysis / blog 61

The poem "Poem For My Twentieth Birthday" by Kenneth Koch describes the thoughts and actions of the speaker, which shows his transformation from a teenager to an adult on his twentieth birthday.


Poem Analysis Peer Review (Nancy) / blog 60

What went well:
Nancy's poem analysis is written in an organized structure, with an introduction paragraph, three body paragraphs and a conclusion paragraph. There's an topic sentence in each paragraph that clearly explains the main idea of it, and the analysis part (evidences and opinions) are logically organized. I like the hook in the start of the introduction paragraph “Have you ever learned about the magic of the nature? Have you ever been a friend with a tree? A tree may be able to be your soulmate”, because I have never imagine to have a soulmate like a tree, and I have never expected a tree to talk and share ideas with me. She successfully used the hook to catch my attention, and gives me the desire to read the rest of the paper. In the analysis paragraphs, she organised them logically with the meaning of the poem in the first body paragraph, and how the form of the poem helps understanding in the next two paragraphs. She briefly talks about the meaning of content, and spends more words on the literary techniques the poet used in the poem. She did a really good job on listing the figurative languages used in the poem. Every sentence in the paper is clear to read and understand for me, and I really appreciate the organization. Her concluding paragraph is paraphrasing the whole paper.

Even Better If:
The paper is in a very organised structure, and in my opinion it will even be better if she could add some more analysis about the meaning of the poem and to have more connection between the figurative languages and the meaning of the poem. I think it is important to let the readers of the paper know what the poem is about, and how did the speaker used writing techniques to express it, rather than how well the figurative languages were used in the poem. It is an analysis of the meaning of the poem and not simply just listing the techniques. It might be better to have a brief summary of the poem in the first body paragraph, telling the readers what is going on, and then some deeper explanation of what the author want to express based on your own understanding after reading it for a lot of times. In the second last paragraph, she said that “ In the last stanza, the rhyme scheme is the "er" sound”. I think “rhyming” is a better word choice than “rhyme scheme” in this sentence, because a rhyme scheme is a pattern of rhyming words at the end of each sentence. I think Nancy could also work on her conclusions too, because it seems to be only paraphrasing the paper. It might be better if she could have some opinions about the poem and the meaning of it, and make some connection between the poem and some wider things (such as the world). Also just a tiny detail, she could work on her ending sentences in the end of each paragraph to make a smoother transition between different topics and ideas. She doesn't have any direct quote in this paper, and I think using those will help the reader to understand the meaning a lot.


Theater Review / blog 59

Lillian Xu
English II
Ms. Guarino
May 22nd, 2016
Theater Review
                This Friday me and my friends went to the spring drama “Comedy Tonight”. I really enjoyed the play while watching, because the light effects and the settings of each scenes were set perfectly fitting. In this drama performance, every scene is a completely different and individual story, and I have noticed that many people were playing multiple roles in these scenes. In every different scene, people needed to change their clothing, their make up, their hair styles, and even their gender. I really like the gender changing of actors, because we don’t usually see these boys wearing like that in real life, and it really made the audiences laugh. In my opinion, boys playing female characters and wearing female costumes and wigs is not an embarrassing thing to do, because it shows how good you are acting when you are in a role that is completely different from yourself. We should all give great applauses to those courageous boys. And for the girls playing male roles, we should all give them applauses too because it is hard for pretty girls to draw beards in front of this many people, and we should also clap for them.

               I like the part where William was acting as Britney Spears singing in the middle and other girls were dancing beside him, because I am a fan of Britney (and he acted really well). I think one of the best scenes is “John Jiang, the Latte Boy”, because he was singing so good in that scene, and I can easily understand every single line in his part. I can tell that he had spent a long time memorizing these and practicing, because his singing was so perfect. I like the “Popular” scene too, because it makes the audiences really high to see a boy putting on make ups and suddenly transfer into another gender. Lexi did a really good job singing there, because she had to sing and put make ups on William’s face at the same time, which makes it so much harder to do. I like “Morning Meeting Gone Wrong” the best, because People acted just like those teachers behave in real life. The actors spent so much effort on their ways of talking, appearances, facial expressions and their body languages. The actors acting Ms. Minahan, Mr. Dykeman and Ms. Anderson were exactly the same as the real characters. They talked in the ways that the teachers talk in real life, and they were even wearing the same clothing and putting on wigs. I really appreciate the entire show, because everyone was playing outstandingly and fabulously. They made me laugh so hard and applause so hard.


Poem Analysis / blog 58

Lillian Xu
English II
Ms. Guarino
May 20th, 2016
Poem Analysis of Poem for My Twentieth Birthday
            On every year people have experienced in their lives stands a milestone in their heart, representing the growth, maturity and the passing of time. The poem Poem for My Twentieth Birthday by Kenneth Koch is written for his twentieth birthday, which is an important milestone standing in his journey of life. In this poem he wrote about his feelings, emotions and reflection of the past on this special day. The poem showed how the speaker forgot many people during the past years, how he was missing his childhood, how suddenly he thrust into the adulthood, and his determination of being a man in his childhood dream. The poem has three stanzas in total: the first stanza of the poem was a little bit of depressing and sad when the speaker was walking through the graveyard, the second stanza of the poem was describing how he thought of his childhood, how he would leave them behind and move forward, and the third stanza of the poem is about his determination of behavior in his future adulthood. This poem describes the mental and physical movements of the speaker transforming from a teenager to an adult on his twentieth birthday.
            In the first stanza, the speaker was “passing through the American graveyard”(Poem, Koch). At first, I was wondering why did he walked through a sad place like that, because people usually go to happy places and have parties with their friends on birthdays, but when I read it for more and more times, I realized that the speaker might be trying to cherish the memory of his childhood and bury his childish innocence. He observed many things that he had not noticed before, such as the tiny flowers and dandelions on the grass, which was described as “white on tropical green”(Poem, Koch) in the poem. This detail showed his carefulness after getting older both physically and mentally. “The years quick focus of faces I do not remember”(Poem, Koch) signifies the long way the speaker had been through. He had met too many people, and walked by too many passengers in his life, so he could not remember everyone he had seen in the past. This quote also tells how quickly the time went by, just like the blink of an eye.
             “The palm trees stalking like deliberate giants”(Poem, Koch) in the start of the second stanza. Palms were sour when they were not ripe yet, but they became sweeter after they grew riper. This is a similar progress of human growth too, when kids were young, they were often naughty and not mature, and they were often hard to communicate with. After they grew older, they would usually became more understanding and tolerant, which easier for others to communicate with. When the speaker was walking on the street, the palm trees made him felt like adults staring at him, which reminded him of his birthday and his childhood memories when he was not yet a mature person. His tears then came up to the rim of his eyes while thinking all those.
            The author expressed his determination of how he wants to be in the future in the third stanza. Even if his adulthood had came quicker than what he expected (“thrust into the adult and actual”), he still expected himself to do more actual things (“expected to perform the action”), and not to think too much about anything other than the facts. There must be an idol that he wanted to be while he was young, so he was then determining to be the man in his childhood dream (“the man standing upright in the dream”). As what the speaker wrote in his poem, he wanted to be a realist rather than an idealist. It is a significant change from a teenager to an adult, because younger kids were usually thinking about unrealistic stuff and imagining for many things, while adults were always thinking about real life problems like jobs and money because they have different aspects of reading their lives.

            This poem was written as a free verse poem, so there is no rhyme scheme or corresponding meters. It has three stanzas and 10 lines in total. Figurative language was used in some of the lines to give the readers a deeper understanding of the poem. The speaker used personification in the second line of the first stanza; the crosses were “stuttering” like human, which infers that the crosses on the cemetery were trying to say something but were not able to “talk” as they wanted. He also used personification in the first line of the second paragraph, comparing palm trees to deliberate giants “stalking” him. It is showing that the trees were older and more mature than the speaker of the poem when it was his twentieth birthday, and it is showing the tree’s wisdom comparing to the speaker’s immaturity. The speaker had put a lot of his emotions in it by describing the environment and his mental movements. When he was in the graveyards, he was definitely feeling sad about those people buried in there and his childhood buried since that time. On the street while having the palm trees beside him, he thought about his childhood and shown how difficult it was to leave those all behind. When he was thinking about his future in the third stanza, he was pumped with hope and energy, determined to become a better person.


The one of my poem / blog 56

I think the tone of my poem is kind of looking forward to the adulthood future that is completely different from teenage times. In the poem, it uses the word "deliberate" to describe the palm trees, which in my opinion refers to the future environment. It is saying that it's time to give up the adolescent thinking and memories, and step into the adult world. The poet remembered his teenage memories for the last time, and now he is going to the brand new world and kind of having a new life after his 20th birth day, so I think the BGM of this poem should be serious and solemn in the first part, a little bit of sad in the second part and hopeful and firm in the rest of the music.

Somewhere by July


Memorizing Poem / blog 55

Poem for My Twentieth BirthdayBy Kenneth Koch

Passing the American graveyard, for my birthday
the crosses stuttering, white on tropical green,
the years’ quick focus of faces I do not remember . . .

The palm trees stalking like deliberate giants
for my birthday, and all the hot adolescent memories
seen through a screen of water . . .

For my birthday thrust into the adult and actual:
expected to perform the action, not to ponder
the reality beyond the fact,
the man standing upright in the dream.

Kenneth Koch, “Poem for My Twentieth Birthday” from Poetry 67 (November 1945). Used by permission of the Estate of Kenneth Koch.

Source: Poetry (November 1945).


Found Poem / blog 54

Original : 
This introductory class will focus on drawing as a means of visual inquiry.  The students will learn about gesture, contour line, positive and negative space, visual space, shadow and light, composition and perspective.  They will use these methods in rendering the still life; landscape; live model and self-portrait. The students will learn how to manipulate pencil, ink, pastel, oil pastel, colored pencil and charcoal to achieve the various completed projects.  This class does not require any previous experience only a willingness to learn and explore.

--art class page

Art Class Poem -Lillian Xu

This introductory class 
will focus on drawing as 
a means of visual inquiry. 

The students will learn
about gesture, contour line,
positive and negative space, 
visual space,
shadow and light, 
composition and perspective.

They will use these methods in
the still life; landscape; 
live model and self-portrait. 

The students
will learn how to manipulate 
ink, pastel, 
oil pastel, 
colored pencil and charcoal 
to achieve the various 
completed projects. 

This class does not require 
any previous experience only a willingness to learn and explore.

Shape Poem / blog 53


Found Poem / blog 52


Attending a college preparatory school 
like Cheshire Academy 
is one of the best ways 
to prepare for life 
at college

Boarding school provides 
a safe environment for students to explore 
their independence 
and learn to take responsibility for 
their own lives 

Living on campus 
provides students the structure 
and adult guidance they need 
to build self-reliance 
and maturity that will serve them 
well in college and beyond

Attending a college preparatory school like Cheshire Academy is one of the best ways to prepare for life at college. Boarding school provides a safe environment for students to explore their independence and learn to take responsibility for their own lives. Living on campus provides students the structure and adult guidance they need to build self-reliance and maturity that will serve them well in college and beyond.


Haiku- spring / blog 51

Take your clothes of now
Feel the warm breeze on the street
Kites are flying high

Cowslips and roses
Carnelians and rubies
Cats are chasing rats

write about a poem/ blog 50

Over hill, over dale,
Thorough bush, thorough brier,
Over park, over pale,
Thorough flood, thorough fire!
I do wander everywhere,
Swifter than the moon's sphere;
And I serve the Fairy Queen,
To dew her orbs upon the green;
The cowslips tall her pensioners be;
In their gold coats spots you see;
Those be rubies, fairy favours;
In those freckles live their savours;
I must go seek some dewdrops here,
And hang a pearl in every cowslip's ear. 

          This poem is a description of a fairy's job in A Midsummer Night's Dream by William Shakespeare. It works as a poem because it is separated into lines but not in a paragraph, and it has poetry elements in it such as rhyming and rhythm. In this poem, the fairy described her life in a very artsy and magical way, of wandering around and drop dews on plantations to serve the Fairy Queen, Titania. Unlike humans who have to work all day for income, fairies just fly around the hills, the dales, into bushes and flowers and dew the plants. It seems like the fairies are like butterflies and bees that don't have to do any hard work and to worry about anything, which made the human talking to her very jealous.

          Shakespeare used many figurative language, such as parallelism in the first four lines and metaphor in the last few lines. He used the words "over" and "thorough" to describe how freely these fairies are, and how relaxing and meanwhile dangerous their working environments are. Besides the parallelism, he had rhymed the poem as he did in every other line he wrote in his script. He had used a lot of metaphor in this poem too, like flowers to rubies and dews to pearls. These make the world of fairy livelier and sound more magical, because flowers and water are just two very normal thing in human's world. Besides that, Shakespeare had also used personification for the purpose of showing the difference of human's world from the fairy's world. He described the cowslips as humans, and gave them human characters--ears, so the fairy could hang the dews as earrings. 

          This poem gives the audiences a wonderful picture of the exotic world of fairies, and created a realistic but magical environment for the audiences. Before I read this poem, I could hardly believe that even tiny little flowers have their thoughts and characters of human. I would love to believe in a fairy-tale like world that was created by shakespeare, rather than the scientific explanation of how dews are formed over night, because shakespeare had demonstrated everything too beautiful.


Poem / blog 49

Over hill, over dale,
Thorough bush, thorough brier,
Over park, over pale,
Thorough flood, thorough fire!
I do wander everywhere,
Swifter than the moon's sphere;
And I serve the Fairy Queen,
To dew her orbs upon the green;
The cowslips tall her pensioners be;
In their gold coats spots you see;
Those be rubies, fairy favours;
In those freckles live their savours;
I must go seek some dewdrops here,
And hang a pearl in every cowslip's ear. 

This is actually a few lines of the script explaining what a fairy's job is in A Midsummer Night's Dream. In this poem it tells that, the fairy wanders everywhere and dew plantations. It tells how a fairy's life is different from a human's life, and created an magical environment. Shakespeare used personification to make the world of fairy livelier, and he also used metaphor to make the dews to sound more precious and pretty. I like this poem because besides using figures of speech, Shakespeare had also rhymed the poem and even added a rhythm to it, which makes it easier to read and sounds better.


Reflection paper / blog 48

This is a formal writing assignment, so pay attention to thesis, organization, grammar, sentence structure, and vocabulary. You should write about the same things you presented on (what you did, why, final product, difficulties, what you learned) but also assess your strengths and weaknesses: what did you do well and what could you have done better?

Lillian Xu
English II
Apr 25th, 2016
Reflection Paper
Pobby and Dingan is the book that our English class is reading recently. We were required to do a creative project that is relevant to the novel, so me and Kevin were thinking about making a game that is based on Pobby and Dingan. We decided to create a Monopoly at first, but after we wrote our proposal paper, we found it not so relative to the novel. In the second class period that we were working on it, me and Kevin thought of making another role playing game that is based on text and could get everyone involved. This project was challenging, indeed, but the difficulty stimulates our desire of making the game interesting and perfect.

The game is created based on the plot and characters of Pobby and Dingan. On each page of the PowerPoint there would be some text on the top explaining the situation and what had happened, and the would be two choices beneath that for the players to choose. Each choice will lead to two different pages, and it might also lead to different endings of the game. We were planning to make a PowerPoint with hyperlinks in pages to make the game functioning, but we need an outline before putting the text into it. Me and Kevin shared an google docs, so we could both edit it and correct each other's grammar mistakes and other problems. Besides the facts and the plot written in the book, we had also added our imagination into the game by adding our own thoughts and make up some facts in the story. Kevin had even add some mine craft videos into the scenes when the protagonist Ashmol was in the mine and on the funeral of Pobby and Dingan. We spent two class periods and the whole weekend on writing and revising our draft in a docs document, and then we started putting them into the PowerPoint.

After we finished our first draft in google docs, we started putting it into google slides. We separated our work on doing the PowerPoint: I copied and pasted each scene and questions into the PowerPoint and make the PowerPoint look better, and Kevin inserted the hyperlinks and made sure that everything works. After we had done inserting everything, we asked someone to play through the game. While she was playing, we found a lot of mistakes that we couldn't see in our rough draft. For example, Ashmol wanted to find dad, and he ran straight to the police office without being told that his dad was there. And there is another example, where Ashmol and mom went to the police station to take Kellyanne back, but left her in the police station. For fixing these problems, we first added a page between and inserted the hyperlinks into that page, but then we found everything messed up, because the links were leading to pages, and the pages were all different than what we set up after adding the additional pages. So in order to fix that, we dragged these additional pages to the very end of the PowerPoint to make sure that the page numbers were not changed. This was one of the most difficult thing in our project, because it is really hard to correct what you had written and what you had already finished doing.

We finished our final project about an hour before class. We had made edits and corrections at all of our free time to make it perfect, and the final product comes out wonderful. The reason we chose to make a project like this, was to create a fun game that everyone could get involved, and also to make this project relate to academic work. We had learned that teamwork is really important while doing a group project, because everyone has the responsibility to contribute as much as they can. I think our project comes out pretty good; everything is stated clearly and the additional plot seems to be very reasonable. The game is academic and interesting, and meanwhile closely related to the plot of the novel and even accompanied with our own imagination. Everyone seemed to be involved with the game, and I believe that they love it very much. The only thing that we could have improved is that, when the players are playing, it might be a little bit boring without visuals and feeling from other senses such as hearing. Maybe we could add some sound effects and even BGM into it to make it more interesting. Overall, I think we did a fantastic job and the whole project is a success.


Reflect on what we had done during the weekend / blog 47

Our creative project is a role playing adventure game about the novel Pobby and Dingan. We have the protagonist of the book Ashmol as the character that the players are playing with. We had done writing the plot, the questions and the answers in a google docs during last weekend and had my friend revised through it. Me and Kevin are going to put our writings into a PowerPoint ( maybe on google slides), add some pictures and a citation page at the end, cut the videos that we are putting into the slideshow(we had filmed them already), and have someone play it to see if the hyperlink and the whole thing functions. We have more than 40 questions(scenes), which means there are 40 pages of the PowerPoint. The number of questions that everyone would have to make choices of varies based on the answer each person chooses. We need maybe 4-5 more hours of working on it, and I think we had spend plenty of our time on it already( approximately 5-6 hours).


Proposal for Creative Project(second draft) / blog 46

XI Proposal for Creative Project / blog 45

Lillian Xu & Kevin Li
English II
Ms. Guarino
Apr 10th, 2016
Proposal for Creative Project on Pobby and Dingan
          You will need to submit a proposal (one per group) that says exactly what you plan to do, how you will do it, why, and what you hope to learn from it. Also discuss the estimated amount of time you think it will take and how you will break down the time into a project noting the days and times you will complete each part of the project. If you are working in a group, please specify exactly who will do what and when.

         Me and Kevin are going to create a role playing adventure game related to the novel Pobby & Dingan. It is a game in first person, in which the players could decide what the character would do while facing different situations in the game. The main character of the game is Ashmol Williamson, s member of the Williamson's family. His dad is a miner in Lightning Ridge, his mom is a salesperson and his sister is a student. The storyline is about his family's mining life.

        The Williamson's family immigrated from Britain to Australia for father's mining work. They used to have a wealthy life in England, but father's decision changed the life of their family. They became very poor because of the immigration, and the family's hope is all on father's mining work. Mom had a ex boyfriend that was really rich, and whenever mom and dad has an arguement, she would look at the picture that she and her ex boyfriend took in England. Ashmol's sister, Kellyanne has two imaginary friends because her parents are too busy working, which caused her to feel very lonely. One day, dad lost Pobby and Dingan while bringing them out for exercising. Kellyanne became very anxious and sick due to the lost of her friends, so the whole family decided to look for Kellyanne's friends.

Rules for the game:
  • Read the context and the multiple choice terms below.
  • The context tells you the plot and scenes, and you have to make a choice out of the two choices below to go to the next scene.
  • Click the term that you want to choose.
  • Then you are on the next page. Now it starts over.

Purpose (Why and What to learn from it):
          Our purpose to make this board game is, to let the readers understand the plot better and to make them feel like they are in the story and feel the emotion of the characters. In the process of creating this game, we are hoping to learn about how the characters are feeling when they meets certain situation and how they would resolve the conflicts.

Time Scheduling:
          Since we changed the project that we a doing, we had lost one class on doing it. Me and Kevin decide to spend the class period till Friday on drafting, and our first draft would be done by Friday. We would spend the next few weeks on correcting and adding things into our drafts and have other people revise it. Maybe we could find someone who doesn't know the story to try this game first and to see if they could understand what had happened in the story. We would do the planning together, and each of us would revise a half of the project. Because this game is only related to the text, so we would add some pictures into it and have a citation page at the end of the PowerPoint.


Proposal for Creative Project / blog 45

Lillian Xu & Kevin Li
English II
Ms. Guarino
Apr 10th, 2016
Proposal for Creative Project on Pobby and Dingan
          You will need to submit a proposal (one per group) that says exactly what you plan to do, how you will do it, why, and what you hope to learn from it. Also discuss the estimated amount of time you think it will take and how you will break down the time into a project noting the days and times you will complete each part of the project. If you are working in a group, please specify exactly who will do what and when.

          Me and Kevin are going to make a board game-monopoly based on the novel Pobby & Dingan’s plot and characters. The four characters, Mom, Dad, Ashmol and Kellyanne are competing on the board by the players, and they move with the instructions on the board and the number on the dice each player rolled. The first player to reach the starting point wins the game.

Rules for the game:
  • Players go through the board with certain steps everytime depending on the number of dice they rolled.
  • As the players going forward, they have to follow different rules that are written on the board. Many instructions are for individual players, but in some occasions where are written on the board require everyone to follow the instruction.
  • When players are going through the board, they might halt on a square where it has a star on it. This requires the player to pick up a certain note card and read it out loud. It tells the players what happened in this point of the novel as they move on.
  • The first player reached the starting point wins the game.

Purpose (Why and What to learn from it):
          Our purpose to make this board game is, to let the readers understand the plot better and to make them feel like they are in the story and feel the emotion of the characters. In the process of creating this game, we are hoping to learn about how the characters are feeling when they meets certain situation and how they would resolve the conflicts they met.

Time Scheduling:

          Me and Kevin had spent one hour on planning for the instructions on every square, and I think we would spend approximately four hours on making the board together and adding the instructions onto it, four hours editing the note cards, and one hour on checking if there is any error of the game and fix the problems. We are planning to make about ten note cards, and each of us would be making five and we will correct the grammar and errors for each other.