
Peter Pan Ending / blog 10

Wendy grows up and gets older and older but Peter stays the same. Peter complies with his promise to see Wendy once a year in the future, and listen to her stories. In my opinion, I think it is a happy ending for the show because in the original novel, Peter forgets the fairy Tinkle Bell few years after and eventually forgets to come, and Wendy tells the children about Peter Pan's adventures and stories. We don't really know what will happen in the future in the show because we could make optimistic assumptions about the follow-up scenarios; maybe Peter Pan would come once a year until Wendy became a really really old lady couldn't tell him the story again. The show leaves the audience plenty of space for imagining the future, which makes the ennding more meaningful, because we all know the story of Peter Pan, and there might be a little change to make the ending happier. Like all the fairy tales, Peter Pan may renew his acknowledgement of mother and live happy ever after with the Darling's family.

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