
Vocab Chapter4-9 / blog 5

Write the word, part of speech, the sentence it comes from in the book, and the definition of the word the way it is used in the book.

Chapter 4:
melancholy (adj.)
I felt melancholy after reading Mother's letter.
Definition: a feeling of thoughtful sadness.
imposing (v. present continuous)
I knew how Mother hated imposing on her children.
Definition: to force something (force someone's idea to others, etc)

Chapter 5:
stroll (n.)
I drew in a deep breath of the deliciously fragrant air, picturing my stroll along the stream with Sarah and Jimmy.
Definition: a short leisure walk
transformed(v. past continuous)
The note said: "What a grand surprise to see our neglected greenhouse transformed into a lovely little garden.
Definition:make a thorough change in appearance, form or character 
The note said: "What a grand surprise to see our neglected greenhouse transformed into a lovely little garden.
Definition: a glass building that protects plants from winter
The note said: "What a grand surprise to see our neglected greenhouse transformed into a lovely little garden.
Definition: fail to care properly

Chapter 6:
I pictured myself all dressed up, walking with them in a leisurely way, and chatting about the last mixer.
Definition: a social gathering where people make friends
invigorated (adj.)
I was shocked to hear Marci say these things, but strangely invigorated.
Definition: give strength or energy to
I feel like an oddball wherever I am.
Definition: a strange or eccentric person
She had once told me she thought the dress code and the formality were "ridiculously pretentious" and a waste of time.
Definition: attempting to impress by affecting greater importance, talent, culture, etc

Chapter 7:
My sister does find her work fulfilling; she teaches children, and she helps so many people.
Definition: making someone happy because of fully developing their characters or abilities
rambled(v. past tense)
It's so pretty," Ellen rambled, "and I want to show you off."
Definition:talk or write at length in a confused or a consequential way
I think it is because your culture encourages people to speak openly and frankly."
Definition: honestly

Chapter 8:
I was horrified.
Definition: fill with horror; shock greatly
I had never gotten a single demerit before!
Definition: a mark awarded against someone for a fault or an offense
Here, they do not place so much emphasis on patience, humility, family harmony, and silence as we do in Korea.
Definition: humbleness
Here, they do not place so much emphasis on patience, humility, family harmony, and silence as we do in Korea.
Definition: goes along with each other

Chapter 9:
You have become quite an excellent ambassador for your country, and have made lots of friends, I hear."
Definition: a diplomat that's sent to the other countries
The next day, Ellen and I took the train to her parents' farmhouse in New Jersey.
Definition: a farm attached to a farm
We have sixteen acres here.
Definition: a unit of land area

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